Saturday, May 30, 2020

Employee perks What UK workers really want  

Employee perks What UK workers really want   by Amber Rolfe Half of UK workers say employee benefits would make them feel happier at work Free tea and coffee voted the most popular office perk Flexible working hours and free ice cream voted most popular seasonal benefits1 in 6 people willing to take a pay cut in exchange for summer perks Office perks are something many of us take for granted.But it appears not all workers are getting what they want, according to our latest survey whether it’s early finishes in the summer or flexible working hours all year round.Employee perks = happiness    According to those surveyed, perks can be key to guaranteeing happy employees.In fact, more than half said that employee benefits would make them feel happier at work, whether it’s a better work-life balance, an excellent pension, or having flexible working hours and the option to work from home.Others cited the importance of greater recognition, holiday allowance, and a boss who understands that family comes first.  Tea, coffe e or…ice cream? When it comes to office comforts, caffeine came out on top with 40% of people voting free tea and coffee as the perk they value most.A third of us placed precedence on a seat with a view, with a similar amount naming peace and quiet as all it takes to be successful at work.Other popular perks included a casual dress code, subsidised gym memberships and free fruit.It also seems as if our demands may sometimes be seasonal. According to a recent survey by Andrew Sykes, almost 50% of UK workers stated that summer perks would make them feel even happier at work.One in three of us even voted free ice cream and summer snacks as our top seasonal perk, showing it takes more than a free cup of tea to impress (and/or cool down) during the warmer months.Expectations vs. reality OK, so it’s clear what the people want â€" but are they actually getting it?In short, no. Whilst the survey conducted by Andrew Sykes revealed that 50% benefit from free tea and coffee at work, one i n five people don’t receive any office perks at all; regardless of the season.An even larger number of workers don’t benefit from summer perks, with almost half of those surveyed saying their company doesn’t offer anything in the way of seasonal benefits.One in five don’t even get the opportunity to regulate the temperature in their office. Although that may be a blessing in disguise for people who work with thermostat-twiddling colleagues.Top five irritating office habits  Turning a loss into a win When it comes to what employees would sacrifice for summer perks, UK workers were divided.Just over a third said they’d give up their free brews if it meant enjoying benefits like flexible hours, free ice cream, working from home, or a more relaxed dress code during the summer.One in three were also happy to cut back on the company discounts they receive, saying that summer perks are more important than subsidised gym memberships or reductions at the local pub.But it’s not ju st perks that some workers are willing to give up. A staggering one out in six of those surveyed would sacrifice £5,000 of their annual salary for summer specific benefits.Essentially, Brits will do anything to make the most of a heatwave…Office perks: Have they lost their pulling power?  POLL [socialpoll id=2458736 path=/polls/2458736 width=768]Want a position with more perks? View all available jobs nowFind a job What Where Search JobsSign up for more Career AdviceSign up for moreCareer Advice Please enter a valid email addressmessage hereBy clicking Submit you agree to the terms and conditions applicable to our service and acknowledge that your personal data will be used in accordance with our privacy policy and you will receive emails and communications about jobs and career related topics. Employee benefits Workplace culture

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Resume Writing Services - How to Get a Contact Number For Your Resume Writing Service

Resume Writing Services - How to Get a Contact Number For Your Resume Writing ServiceAre you thinking about getting some resume writing services for your next job? There are many out there that will do a great job, but how do you find the right one? Some people make the mistake of trying to use their own personal contacts to get their resume writers. They wind up spending a lot of time and money that could have been better spent elsewhere.It's important to get the right resume writing services to do the job correctly. The wrong person can mess it up horribly. This article will tell you how to get a contact number for your resume writing service and then take a look at what they offer. You'll be on your way to hiring the best writer.Many resume services have websites where you can get a contact number for them. This is great because it shows them that you are serious about getting the best. But it doesn't do much else for you.You need to know where they work and who their potential cl ient is. If they only operate from their home or out of their car you can still contact them with the proper information. You simply need to have the basics information, like name, address, and email address. After that you can use this information to send an email that introduces yourself and what you can do for the company.Of course you can always search for a resume writing services in the yellow pages and see if they are there. However, this takes a lot of your time. You don't want to spend it looking for the company and then wasting your time going through all of the local listings.That's why using a resume writing service is the best way to go. Because they have everything that you need at their fingertips, you can go right ahead and ask them questions without worrying about the time it would take you to find the answers.Once you know how to contact them, you can usually get a good idea of what they can do for you. If you need help with your cover letter and your resume, you s hould get someone who specializes in writing those things. If you need a series of mock interviews done to help you prepare for the actual interview then you can get that done as well.Remember to check on the quality of their resume writing services before you pay for anything. You want to get exactly what you need and not have to do it yourself. Instead of wasting your time and resources on mediocre resume writing services, get someone who is capable of helping you take your career to the next level.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Let your definition of success evolve over time

Let your definition of success evolve over time I wake up at 5am and while I wait  for the coffee to brew, I do a yoga pose. Not so much to do yoga, because yoga’s been torturing me for years  and I’m sick of it. I do the pose to celebrate my kitchen floor. It’s so clean. I do a sun salutation and push back on my hands to downward dog. I spread my fingers on the smooth wood floor. And as my head hangs I see the gleam of the grain in morning light. I think maybe I should have our housecleaner come twice a week. I pour coffee and there’s no sugar because every night I put the sugar on a high up shelf to remind myself that I don’t want to be eating sugar. Then I tell  myself Fuck itI can  fill the sugar bowl. Great. I will have accessible sugar. Reaching for the sugar feels  good, so I do  the next pose in the Ashtanga series: Twisting triangle. I have been doing yoga for twenty-five years and still don’t know the Sanskrit names for  poses. I sit at the dining room table with sugary coffee. And milk. I added milk. So I’m basically having coffee ice cream for breakfast. I search the Internet for pictures of signs in NYC that have the new font. Did you know there’s a new font for street signs? For the last 60  years the font for street signs has been the one sign painters used. It’s easy  to paint large with a brush. When machines started making signs, we had the machines keep using the paint brush font. But there are easier fonts to read, and there would be fewer accidents if people could read signs more easily. I cannot find any pictures. And my legs feel so good from twisting triangle that I do the next pose. Which I don’t even know the English name for. I do know the series, though. And I don’t mind that it takes me a little longer to get into the pose than it used to. I’m doing it. I breathe. Then I find the new font. I inspect it. Lowercase letters are good for reading because we see words as shapes. Like China Town Next Exit. And the lower case letters that have holes in them go a little bit above the line. The e’s in Bleecker Street take more vertical space than we would typically permit because bigger holes are easier to see. I get up to get more coffee and I’m on a roll. I do Parsvakonasana. So I do know some names. It hurts the good kind of hurt and I take a few extra breaths in the pose which I don’t think I have ever done in my life because I hate doing yoga so I am always the fastest breathe and the first one to finish. My son wakes up. This is why I stopped getting up early in the morning to do anything. Because I get all excited about my aloneness and then a kid wakes up. I say, “Sweetie, are you okay?” He clomps down the stairs. He says he can’t sleep. He asks if he can sleep in the guest room. I say of course and tuck him in. He asks if I  will  stay in the room while he falls back to sleep. Right before I say some motherly version of No, I don’t fucking want to sit with you because I already did it last night and once is enough and this is my alone time, I kiss him and say, “Sure. I’ll be right here.” I do a pose while I wait. I accidentally skip a pose. After hes asleep,  I make another sugar milk coffee. I write a note for the kids: “Remember today we are bedding down pigs after practice.” I write in cursive and consider rewriting it. It’s a dying art. Me writing cursive is like my first editor typing two spaces after a period. I leave the cursive note. Maybe my kids will learn to read cursive. Maybe that’ll differentiate them on their college applications. Not that they need something else because  I gave them my ex-husband’s Latino last name for that. And, anyway, no one needs cursive anymore. It’s like paintbrush street signs. I heat up the milk because I like it scalding hot. I do the the next  pose, then a sun salutation and then I’m back with my hands on the floor looking at the smooth cleanness and I see some specks of rice cake. So I balance on one hand, and eat them with the other. My second cup of coffee is so hot I have to sip. I read that people who are abused frequently like things scalding hot like a bath. And I read that people with Aspergers have sensory processing disorder that makes them not feel hot and/or cold like normal people. I am always wondering which one is the explanation for the  scars on my arms where I’ve burned myself because I didn’t feel the heat. I do the missed pose. Then I am standing in tadasana. I think about my grandma. I stole books from her store. At the time, I told myself that I stole them because she didn’t pay me enough to work there. But now I understand that I stole them to try to feel more loved. My grandma let me live with her, but I always wished I could have stayed with my parents. Her love  could never make up for my parents lack of love. I do another pose. My feet lift and legs stretch and so many people will tell you “yoga saved me” and what they are really saying is when it was too hard to feel their heart, they felt their body and their breath, and we can only feel as much as we can handle but you have to feel something to live. I am getting back into the  order now. I do another seated pose. I do not miss my grandma so much as I miss the feeling of missing her. I have been feeling my body instead of my heart for so long. As a way to cope. I have spent years writing on this blog about how I don’t have time for yoga. Or I don’t have energy for yoga. I wrote that I have to pick between kids and yoga. Or work and yoga. Or marriage and yoga. But each time I was disappointing myself with my yoga practice, I was still doing it. You don’t need to do continuous yoga to do it. You don’t need to do yoga the same way you did five, ten, or fifteen years ago. Yoga is like work. I’ve been obsessing about the lingo and trying to stave off change. I thought there were rules for how to be good at it. I thought I had to be doing a certain amount in order to do justice to all my training. But I can do bits and pieces in between the demands of my everyday life. And that’s enough for where I am right now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Improve Your Reputation at Work Meet Your Deadlines! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Improve Your Reputation at Work Meet Your Deadlines! - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Unfaithfulness in the keeping of an appointment is an act of clear dishonesty. You may as well borrow a persons money as his time. ~ Horace Mann Whether you’re a student seeking employment after college or an employee working for a corporation, meeting your deadlines and showing up on-time for meetings will affect your reputation and your ability to earn respect in the workplace.  Puncutuality and meeting deadlines is critical if you want to be perceived as a reliable team member. Procrastination and perpetually arriving late on the other hand can ruin your chances for achieving your goals. Here are some strategies I recommend for breaking the cycle of missing deadlines and failing to be punctual: 1.  Acknowledge that procrastination is dangerous when it comes to managing your reputation and it can become a hindrance to your acceptance to college, jobs and for your career advancement. 2.   Breakdown assignments into smaller tasks and create a checklist to complete each of the tasks with a self-assigned due date. -Dividing a big job into smaller tasks can make it seem less overwhelming.   It can also insure that you pay closer attention to the details within your larger assignment. 3. Prioritize Your Tasks with a schedule. Take 20 minutes every Monday morning to list your career goals for the week.   Include everything from organizing your desk, scheduling meetings and presentations to calls you need to make. Make a separate list for your personal goals including housekeeping, paying bills, charity work and miscellaneous errands. Use this list to create a schedule that incorporates all of your activities and projects and allot the amount of time you’ll need to finish each task. Prioritize your activities and create a daily list for what needs to be completed each day. 4.   If necessary, break up your morning tasks from your afternoon tasks and allow some time for activities. -Writing your goals down will enable you to know exactly what you need to accomplish and crossing things off your list will be rewarding and for some an even cathartic exercise. 5.   Look for patterns when you have procrastinated and try to break those patterns. For instance, do you often miss your deadlines due to a lack of sleep or because you get caught up in conversations and other work that consumes your time?   If you are able to identify your “blocks” then you can develop a strategy to prevent them from sabotaging your efforts to be on time. -Set an alarm on your phone to go off so you are reminded of meetings and of your deadlines 6.   Assign yourself a due date that precedes the actual deadline. The benefit of this strategy is clear: For one, it will insure that your assignment will be completed ahead of time so you meet your official deadline.   The other advantage is that you allow time for reviewing your work and for reflecting on aspects you may want to change or modify. It will also help you avoid inadvertently missing important meetings. Here are the benefits for avoiding procrastination, being punctual and for getting known for meeting deadlines: Increase your prestige and credibility Improve your overall integrity Improve accolades from superiors Elicit support from all colleagues Improve your reputation as a professional In every industry or business, meeting deadlines and timeliness plays a significant role. Managing your time, respecting anothers time, avoiding procrastination and meeting deadlines will shed a favorable light on your capabilities. Avoiding or ignoring deadlines and/or missing scheduled meetings suggests a plethora of negative character traits; the main ones being a lack of motivation to excel, a lack of interest in the project and an unwillingness to prioritize the client’s needs.   On the flip side, by your prioritizing due dates and deadlines you demonstrate sincere interest, respect, desire to please, overall integrity and a willingness to comply with guidelines imposed by another party.   Being known for meeting deadlines and for producing high quality work is highly valued in the workplace particularly in today’s challenging economy where the competition is stiff. It’s worth the effort to develop this character trait as it will shed a positive light on everything you do. Author: Beth  is Founder and President of Get Hired, LLC.   She advises students on how to bridge the gap from school to career.  Beth is the co-author of  From Diploma to Dream Job: Five Overlooked Steps to a Successful Career.  Her coaching assists students and career changers to successfully match their needs, interests, passions, skills, and personal goals with the needs of a sustainable industry in a sustainable location.  She is a resource for print and online media and offers workshops for University Career Service Departments, Executive Recruiters, Outplacement Services, College Guidance Counselors and College Alumni Associations. See website for more details about Beth’s services  Beth’s Webinar was sponsored by George Washington University’s Career Services Dept. for their worldwide alumni association:  Leverage Your College Diploma.  You can follow Beth on twitter @BethKuhel

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Writing Sunday School on Resume

Writing Sunday School on ResumeIf you are looking for the best places to write Sunday School on Resume, then this article will give you some suggestions that will help you get started. We will start with a short review of the essential elements of an effective resume as well as resources for samples of Resume Writing Sunday School.A resume is an effective way to show employers your experience and qualifications that make you a good candidate for a job. But your resume may only be as effective as your words. Therefore, when writing your resume, it is important to consider a few things in order to create a professional looking resume that will give you the edge you need for a job.First of all, you need to consider the purpose of your resume. Is it simply to advertise yourself or is it more about how you will be able to benefit your employer. For example, if you want to get the job of a Microsoft Office Specialist, you should know that you have to put more emphasis on your qualification s if you are applying for a job of this nature. Similarly, if you want to sell insurance, it is important to emphasize your personal experiences if you are applying for a position of that nature.Before you actually write your resume, you should first identify your personal objectives and then start developing your resume around these aims. In addition, you should also consider your skills, qualifications, and experiences when writing your resume, because these will be the ones that will really determine the results you get from your resume.Once you have developed your resume, you can now take the next step: writing it. You need to do some research first. Make sure that you can find samples of different Resume Writing Sunday School written by experts in the field. Then, you should develop a rough draft that will be suitable for the purpose of showing your potential employer that you understand the value of their business.Once you have a draft that you think is appropriate, you need t o tweak it until it is exactly what you need. You can consider using a spell checker on your computer or, alternatively, you can take out the resume writing software you use at work and focus only on finding or rewriting keywords that are not right for your resume. This will give you the freedom to focus your attention on only those parts of your resume that are most important and relevant to your objectives. The next step is to create a title for your resume, which can really help you show off your writing skills.Then, you need to consider developing a Skills section. The best way to think about this is that you want to leave the impression that you have relevant experience. You can do this by focusing on the skill you are hoping to learn in the new job and putting it into a separate section of your resume. Then, you can write about the specific skills you have gained from your career in an attempt to highlight the difference between your resume and the resume written by the other resumes that were sent out.There are many resources available on the Internet for professional resume writing tips that will help you get started on your journey to learn how to write Sunday School on Resume. However, the most important step is getting your resume written!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Searching for a Job Try an Internship!

Searching for a Job Try an Internship! Searching for a Job_Try an Internship I’ll be frank, nobody should be “doing nothing” between career positions. Either volunteer or get an internship. Volunteering is easier â€" after all, you’re working for free and it can give you transferable skills that will look good on your résumé, help you network with new people, and keep you working. Yes, volunteering and interning are working. A study released by the shows that college students are listening: almost 9 out of 10 (86 percent) of college graduates reported completing at least one internship, and more than two-thirds (69 percent) reported completing two or more internships. If you have a specific company you would like to work for, you’ll often find their internship programs posted on their website. It still shocks me how many people say, “Dana, I’d like to get an internship at XYZ company. How do I do that?” My first question is to ask what they learned from that company’s website? When I get the blank stare, I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Oh, and did I mention that it’s May and the XYZ’s internship program closed on January 15 for summer internships? Sigh… But let’s start with how to find out about those internships. Here are four websites I’d like to highlight, but there are many more. And you should visit each of your target companies’ websites. You do have target companies, right? allows users to search for internships by major, job category, location, and company. Intern tips and a blog for intern stories help make prospective interns ready for anything that the interviewer may throw at them. The resources section provides the basics, the search process, and tips for what to do once in the internship. is unique because of its connection to colleges and universities. It’s loaded with listings and filters for customized searches. “More than a bank of résumés, we help people understand their interests and aptitudes, and how they can apply their talents in the workforce.” Nice graduate school guide, too. caters to those seeking a position with a non-profit. It easily sorts internships by the area of focus, whether they are paid or unpaid, and even by language. The site also has an excellent resource center, blogs, and books. targets media professionals and is the most thorough available for the media industry. They offer comprehensive news and analysis of traditional media, digital media, and social media through an extensive blog network and allied newsletters. It takes as much hard work, preparation, and follow-up to secure an internship as it does for a full-time position, so apply the same job search techniques I describe in my book, Cut the Crap, Get a Job! You can get it at

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hired for the Holidays How to Find a Job at the End of the Year - CareerAlley

Hired for the Holidays How to Find a Job at the End of the Year - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Many people assume that businesses do not hire during the holiday season and will take a break from job searching until the New Year, which can greatly improve your chances for finding a job. Last month, the unemployment rate fell to its lowest rate in four years, and companies continued to hire new employees. Job candidates often get distracted by the holiday festivities, but rather than letting the holidays get in the way, you should redouble your efforts to find a job. Be Available Its easy to assume that hiring managers will not be available during the holiday season and to put your job search on hold, but that is often not the case. And as we said above, many job searchers take the month off, meaning missed calls from recruiters and hiring managers. Being responsive and available makes the life of your hiring manager much easier which is always a plus when it comes to job hunting. Companies are Looking to Hire While January and February are typically some of the largest months for hiring, many companies hire in December. Its largely a myth that nothing gets done between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but work does slow down for many businesses. This often means that hiring managers have a little more time on their hands to respond to job candidates. Understand Hiring Cycles Many industries will hire new employees in relation to busy seasons or other yearly events. If youre a tax professional, companies will look to hire well before April 15. Healthcare institutions will often hire heavily in December and January to capture new graduates. If you are unsure of how to utilize these cycles, a staffing agency like Incepture that focuses on healthcare and financial jobs, can help you by working directly with hiring managers to match you with the proper job. When youre looking though, try to apply about 3 months ahead of an industry busy season. Every Company has a Different Budget The year might be ending, but that doesnt mean that companies are closing out their yearly budgets. Many businesses and nonprofits follow the U.S. governments fiscal year of October September, which means that many are still in the first quarter of their fiscal year. With that quarter coming to a close, many companies will be looking to fill their hiring budget, or preparing for the next quarter in January. And if the companys budget does end on Dec. 31, many hiring managers will be looking to fill their staffing needs before the annual budget expires, leaving a clean sheet for 2013. Network at Parties Formal networking events are usually replaced by holiday parties and end-of-year gatherings, but that doesnt mean you should take these festive opportunities for granted. While its always a good idea to meet decision makers when theyre in a giving mood, holiday parties also provide a way to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances. People often underestimate the scope and power of their networks, but the holidays are a perfect excuse to get back in touch with someone. Even family parties can uncover job opportunities with a distantly related cousin, so dont hesitate to carry on your job search at a holiday party. more Networking Send out Christmas Cards While it may be a good time to get send in your resume, the holidays are not a good time to pester hiring managers with follow-up emails. You can, however, send a holiday card with your business card. Dont send a card just to request a job; make sure to simply wish them happy holidays. If you have recently interviewed for a position you didnt get, send a card to that hiring manager as well. New hires often dont work out, so make sure to get in touch and thank them for the opportunity to interview. You never know if it will result in a merry Christmas. Brian Russell is lives in University of Floridas Gator Country. He enjoys exploring new places and learning new things, plus sharing what hes found with others. Turnoffs include double spaces after periods and emails with unneeded CCs. He plays H-O-R-S-E at 3 p.m. EST every weekday at 352 Media Group This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Visit me on Facebook What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search